2017 powered by Natuurcentrum Arnhem
Natuurcentrum Arnhem organized an event to celebrate their new plans for the future. Their goal is to bring more nature into the city. One of the special things they have, is the animal library. Schools can borrow an animal for a day, to educate children. As this is a quite special and unusual feature, we really wanted to use that for the project. We created a concept that is derived from the movie King Kong. Instead of the ape on the Empire State Building, we’ve put the animals from Natuurcentrum on a handmade model of the St Eusebius’ Church of Arnhem. As a positive invasion of the city: let the animals come!
What I made
Folded poster as an invitation.
We have measured the animals before we made the church, to be sure that it would be in the right ratio. Every animal behaved exemplarily, except for the snake. We had to wait for half an hour before he left the church. The posters are printed as eco-friendly as possible: no CO2 emission, biological inks and with FSC paper.