Dreaming of a new project?
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+31 (0) 6 49 500 094

Dana Dijkgraaf Design
Westervoortsedijk 73HE
6827 AV Arnhem (NL)

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Some Q and A's

  • 01. What is DDD?

    Dana Dijkgraaf Design is a graphic design studio, based in Arnhem, The Netherlands.
    In her work, she creates perfect-fit concepts and create sparkling visual stories.
    She tells the story in whatever media fits the story best.

  • 02. Does DDD consists of a team?

    DDD works most of the time solo. She has a great network of people working in other specialties (photography, illustration, printing companies etc) with whom she can collaborate with, to tackle all sizes of projects.

  • 03. Are interns welcome?

    Yes you are. Especially when you have a kick-ass portfolio and a insane passion for Graphic Design.

  • 04. What is the creative philosophy of DDD?

    Listen well at the story that needs to be told. Do research and ask questions. Find the essence. Create a sparkling concept that fits perfectly. Make visuals that sparkle and that moves people.

  • 05. Most interesting moments during projects?

    A project has a lot of interesting moments. From the start, when you meet new people and learn about new subjects. During the process, where a perfect-fit-concept is created. And where I can experiment with new forms, and where serendipity is an important factor.

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